Name Finding aidsort ascending Artist's website Online gallery
Irene Shwachman Irene Shwachman collection
W. Eugene Smith W. Eugene Smith archive
Frederick Sommer miscellaneous Frederick Sommer miscellaneous acquisitions collection
Herbert Small Herbert Small collection
Aaron Siskind Aaron Siskind archive Aaron Siskind
Paul Strand Paul Strand collection
Paul Strand miscellaneous Paul Strand miscellaneous acquisitions collection
Virginia Stevens Virginia Stevens collection
Grey Silva Grey Silva collection
William Silano William Silano collection
Naomi Savage Naomi Savage miscellaneous acquisitions collection
George and Grace Schaub George and Grace Schaub collection
Robert Sobieszek Robert Sobieszek archive
Stephen Sprague Stephen Sprague collection
Ralph Steiner miscellaneous Ralph Steiner miscellaneous acquisitions collection
Alfred Stieglitz miscellaneous Alfred Stieglitz miscellaneous acquisitions collection
Vivienne Silver Vivienne Silver collection
Peter Stackpole Peter Stackpole archive
Stephen Shore Stephen Shore collection
Melissa Shook Melissa Shook collection Melissa Shook
Grace Sternberg Jay and Grace Sternberg papers
Jay Sternberg Jay and Grace Sternberg papers
W. Eugene Smith miscellaneous W. Eugene Smith miscellaneous acquisitions collection
Society for Photographic Education Society for Photographic Education archive
Ralph Steiner Ralph Steiner collection
Frederick Sommer Frederick Sommer archive Frederick Sommer - Frederick & Frances Sommer Foundation
Henry Holmes Smith Henry Holmes Smith archive Henry Holmes Smith
John P. Schaefer John P. Schaefer collection John P. Schaefer - Cactus Flower Photography
Aaron Siskind miscellaneous Aaron Siskind miscellaneous acquisitions collection
Lynn Stern Lynn Stern collection
Josef Schneider Josef Schneider collection
Rosalind Solomon Rosalind Solomon archive
Edward Steichen Edward Steichen miscellaneous acquisitions collection
Rafael Soldi https://www.rafaelsoldi.com/
Bill Staffeld
Joan Sawyer
Luther Smith, Jr.
George Bernard Shaw
Dana Salvo
George O. Schumacher
Bob Schwartz
John Lewis Stage
Richard Stoecker
Vladimir Shirnov
Mark Sawyer
Michael A. Smith
Lauren R. Shaw
Bob Stark
Mario Samarughi
Daniel Schwartz